This month, the institution is donating hospital supplies and 4,000 basic food baskets.
The coronavirus pandemic went down in history as one of the greatest crises of mankind. In view of the scenario in which the world has been going, the private sector has taken great steps to mitigate the impacts of this crisis. In solidarity with the people who suffer from the spread of Covid-19, the Aço Cearense Institute of the Aço Cearense Group donated hospital supplies to the health network in Fortaleza and basic food baskets for needy families.
The institution donated respirators (lung ventilators – adult, pediatric and neonatal) and leased structures for the assembly of units at the General Hospital of Fortaleza (HGF) and for the air conditioning of the place. In addition, the Institute mobilized and donated 2,000 food baskets to socially vulnerable families in Fortaleza, Caucaia and São Gonçalo do Amarante and sent another 2,000 baskets for joint action with the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará (FIEC).
For the president of Instituto Aço Cearense, Rosemeire Matos, these donations are part of a movement that the institution sees as essential. “Bringing help and a little relief to people who are directly impacted by the pandemic is a social duty. The Aço Cearense Group is a company that carries human values in its business purpose, and that is why our institute was created, to transform lives, contribute to a more just society and help those who need it most ”, she says.
Instituto Aço Cearense has actively participated in social actions in its 11 years of existence and since March 2020 has intensified contributions. The Aço Cearense Group has already made several donations during the pandemic, such as the transfer of oxygen cylinders to city halls in Ceará and Pará, and also the donation of tons of food, masks, school kits, covid tests, medications, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene for needy communities.