Steel market experts will be meeting on the 12th and 13th of August, in São Paulo, for the 25th edition of the Brazilian Steel Congress. Considered the most important steel chain event in Brazil, it is organized by the Brazil Steel Institute. , an entity that brings together and represents companies in the sector in the country. The Congress will have the presence of great national and international highlights of the steel-metallurgical chain, of the Government, of the academy and of the press that will debate the direction of the sector and will address the main themes that concern the steel industry in Brazil and in the world.
Among the confirmed speakers is Magnus Lindkvist, Director of New Trends and Future Thinking, Stockholm School of Economics – Sweden. The winner of the coveted Business Speaker of the Year award in 2009 will co
special reference on the second day of the Congress. Other confirmed speakers are ec
onomists Delfim Netto and Eduardo Giannetti; the President of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES, Luciano Coutinho and the Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Mauro Borges Lemos.
In its last edition held in 2013, in Rio de Janeiro, due to the celebrations of 50 years of Steel Brazil, about 600 congressmen attended, where also were the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment, Francisco Gaetani, and Harvard professors , Carmen Reinhart and Dani Rodrik, in addition to other authorities and personalities in the sector.