Our story | Group Aço Cearense

Our story

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December 11


Ferro OK arrives on the market dedicated to the distribution of iron and steel in the city of Fortaleza (CE).
December 11


Aiming at a new commercial and marketing strategy to expand distribution throughout the state of Ceará, Ferro OK becomes Cearense Steel.
December 11


In order to enhance the service to its customers, with greater agility and a more varied product mix, Aço Cearense inaugurates its first industrial unit, Aço Cearense Industrial.
December 11


The company stands out in the steel market in Latin America, through the production of tubes with stitching for different segments and is recognized as the largest private cargo handling company in the Pecém Industrial and Port Complex – CIPP, in the state of Ceará.
December 11


In 2006, the construction project for SINOBRAS – Siderúrgica Norte Brasil, located in Marabá in the state of Pará, is initiated. It is the first integrated long steel mill in the North and Northeast of Brazil.
December 11


Grupo Aço Cearense invests in the expansion of Aço Cearense Industrial, increasing production capacity by around 35% in the plan area. Aço Cearense Industrial receives for the first time the Taxpayers Award, granted by the government of Ceará to the largest taxpayers in the state. SINOBRAS goes into operation, with the steelmaking and rolling mill units. The SI50 rebar is accredited by INMETRO. Ian Corrêa, Vice President of the Aço Cearense Group, receives the awards: “Entrepreneur of the Year of Marabá”, by the Commercial and Industrial Association of Marabá; “Citizen Marabaense”, by the Municipality of Marabá; “Honor to Legislative Merit” and “Order of Merit Cabanagem”, by the Legislative Assembly of Pará.
December 11


Aço Cearense Industrial invests in expanding its manufacturing area. SINOBRAS invests as a self-producer in the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant, with a 1% stake, in the order of R $ 250 million. It reaches the milestone of a thousand employees. And it receives the ORM / ACP Award, granted by the Organizations Rômulo Maiorana and Associação Comercial do Pará, in recognition of the most important companies in the State in 2008. The Aço Cearense Group signs a memorandum of understanding with Vale for the implementation of the Aline Project, a flat steel steelworks for rolling the steel plates of Alpa (Vale’s steelmaker), in Marabá-PA. Ian Corrêa, Vice President of the Aço Cearense Group, is decorated as a Paraense Citizen by the Legislative Assembly of Pará.
December 11


Aço Cearense reaches the mark of half a million tons of steel traded in the year. Vilmar Ferreira, President of the Aço Cearense Group, receives the title of Entrepreneur of the Year in Belém (PA). SINOBRAS starts the operation of the TREFILA unit.
December 11


In 2011, the Aço Cearense Group increased the scope of distribution of its products to all of Brazil. SINOBRAS received the Redes Award, for developing suppliers in Pará. SINOBRAS’ Sintering Unit started operating.
December 11


In 2012, the Aço Cearense Group launched its new brand, associating the company’s tributes as leadership in the metallurgical sector, product quality and established presence in the market. Aço Cearense Industrial increases its production capacity to 760 thousand tons. SINOBRAS reaches the production mark of 1 million tons of steel billets, launches the project to expand its production capacity and starts the construction of the first battery of kilns at the SINOBRAS Florestal Reducer Production Unit. WMA Trading is created, the company responsible for import and export commercial transactions. For the fifth consecutive year, Aço Cearense Industrial receives the Taxpayers Award, in the category of collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), granted annually by the Government of Ceará to the 50 largest taxpayers in the state.
December 11


In 2013, the Aço Cearense Group appears once again in the 2013 edition of Exame Melhores e Maiores magazine, this time occupying 185th place in the ranking of the 200 largest Groups and is in 5th place among those that have grown the most in profitability. It is also highlighted in the survey “Valor 1000”, published by Valor Econômico newspaper. In the ranking by region, Aço Cearense wins 13th place among the 50 largest in the Northeast and SINOBRAS is 41st in the North and Midwest regions. In the general ranking, Aço Cearense occupies the 249th position and SINOBRAS the 637th. Grupo Aço Cearense and the South Korean Posco sign a Memorandum of Understanding, which establishes the intention to develop the technical and economic feasibility study for the installation of a flat steel rolling mill in Ceará. SINOBRAS reaches the production mark of 1 million tons of laminates and starts the SINOBRAS Phase II project, which foresees an investment of US $ 200 million for the following projects: construction of the 230 Kv Substation and Transmission Line; acquisition of Shredder equipment for the processing of 170 thousand tons / year of scrap.
December 11


The Aço Cearense Group celebrates 35 years of operations in the steel market. The Group’s corporate management gains strength and language unity with the implementation of the SAP system in all companies. Aço Cearense Industrial (ACI) receives for the sixth consecutive year the Taxpayers Award in the category of collection of the Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) in Fortaleza and the Metropolitan Region, granted annually by the Government of Ceará. SINOBRAS is considered as the second best company to work for in the state of Pará, in the survey “Prazer em Trabalhar 2014”, carried out by Gestor Consultoria and Diário do Pará’s Business Section, which evaluated 32 People Management practices companies. THE SINOBRAS is also awarded the “Holos” award, granted to the steel company for having the best People Management tools in place, and receives the Low Carbon Seal from the Ministry of the Environment.
December 11


The Aço Cearense Group celebrates 36 years. The Aço Cearense Group is included in the ranking of Exame Magazine among the best and largest companies in the country and is once again in the ranking of Valor 1000 among the largest groups in Brazil. The Group is among the Best in Social Performance above R $ 90 million in the Delmiro Gouveia Award. SINOBRAS completes 9 years. SINOBRAS wins the Albras Safety marathon. SINOBRAS receives two awards in the Prazer em Trabalhar Award. SINOBRAS products receive ISO 9001: 2008 certification. Aço Cearense is awarded for innovative solutions in the IT area. Instituto WMA changed its brand and name to Instituto Aço Cearense. Aline Ferreira represents the Aço Cearense Group at the CEO Summit Nordeste of Endeavor as a big name in Brazilian entrepreneurship. The president of the Vilmar Ferreira Group and his daughter Aline Ferreira recount their entrepreneurial trajectory on Endeavor’s Day1.
December 11


SINOBRAS celebrates its 10th anniversary, sets a record for steel production and receives a triple award in the Pleasure to Work survey: 3rd place in the ranking of the 15 Best Companies to Work for in Pará, the Gente de RH Trophy and the Inovare Award, for the implementation of the Inclusion Project People with Disabilities in the Industrial Operation. It also receives the Leaders of the North award, given by the Pará group Business and Highlight (NED).
December 11


SINOBRAS Florestal breaks record sales. Aço Cearense appears in the ranking of Época Negócios 360º in the 328th position among the 500 largest companies in Brazil and SINOBRAS appears in the 433rd position among the 1,000 largest companies in the country by net revenue in the ranking of the magazine Isto É Dinheiro.
December 11


The Aço Cearense Group celebrates 39 years with almost 4 thousand employees; appears for the fourth time in the Valor 1000 ranking, in 314th place, winning 34 positions in relation to the year 2016 and is also listed in 19th place among the 50 largest in the Northeast region, rising 5 positions; SINOBRAS was once again in the special edition of the Valor Econômico newspaper “Valor 1.000” in 698th position among the 1,000 largest companies for the value of net sales in 2017 and was ranked in the Estadão ranking at 539th position among the 1,500 largest Brazilian companies based on net revenue earned in 2017.
December 11


Logo Grupo Aço Cearense 40 anos
The Aço Cearense Group completed 40 years in the market and was once again among the largest companies in Brazil, according to the Valor 1000 yearbook of the Valor Econômico newspaper. The Group ranked 286th in the national ranking of the 1000 largest companies in the country, rising 28 positions in relation to 2017. It also stood out among the 50 largest companies in the Northeast region in 17th place. Grupo Aço Cearense was also included in the ranking of the largest companies by net revenue in Brazil in the 8th edition of the Época Negócios 360º Yearbook. In the edition, the Group advanced three positions, moving from 299th place, obtained in 2017, to 296th place in 2018, in the ranking of the 500 largest companies in Brazil by net revenue, with financial and managerial data. GAC also won 2nd place in the Corporate Governance category and 5th place in the Vision of the Future in the metallurgy and steel industry. SINOBRAS was among the best companies in Brazil, in the construction materials sector, according to the 2019 Anamaco Award. The company reached the third position among the best companies in the area of ​​Spraying and Large Customers, in the steel rebar segment, in addition to having received an honorable mention in the same categories. SINOBRAS appeared in the special edition Melhores & Maiores 2019 of Exame Magazine. Advancing fifty-four positions in relation to the result of the previous year, according to the ranking, the company ranked 644th among the 1000 largest companies by the value of net sales. SINOBRAS was also highlighted among the largest companies in Brazil, according to the special edition IstoÉ Dinheiro 2019. The company was ranked 579th among the 1000 largest companies with prominence in 22 sectors of the economy. Aço Cearense Industrial Matriz received the SUEZ ProofnotPromises Award (Proof not Promises) for the work carried out in maintaining the water treatment of the cooling system, in which there was a reduction in machine interruptions and, at the same time, water savings.
December 11


The Aço Cearense Group was once again in the ranking of the largest business groups in the country, this time it was in the Valor Grandes Grupo yearbook. Elaborated by Valor Econômico newspaper, the 18th edition of the guide presented the main corporations operating in Brazil, among them the GAC in the 200th place. The Aço Cearense Institute completed 10 years of activity, developing a strong work in the social area and contributing to the strengthening of the communities where the Aço Cearense Group operates. The Aço Cearense Group won the innovation award, SAP InnovationAwards 2020, for using SAP AnalyticsCloud (SAC) to optimize the budget planning process. The solution stood out among the 264 registered worldwide as one of the most significant examples of innovation.
December 11


Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.
December 11


Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.
December 11


Com 44 anos de história, o Grupo Aço Cearense criou a Aço Cearense Logística, a nova empresa do Grupo, voltada exclusivamente para o serviço de logística, unificando toda a cadeia de atendimento e atuando em todas as empresas do Grupo. Iniciou a operação da Laminação 2, na SINOBRAS, e laminou a primeira bobina de fio máquina na bitola de 8mm. Com a implantação da nova área da siderúrgica, a capacidade de produção vai mais que duplicar, passando de 380 para 850 mil toneladas de aço laminado/ano. Além disso, o Grupo esteve mais uma vez entre as maiores empresas do país, segundo edição especial de 2023 da revista Valor 1000. O Grupo ficou na 220ª colocação no ranking das 1.000 maiores empresas do Brasil e alcançou também a 16ª posição entre as 50 maiores empresas do Nordeste e o 6º lugar no setor de metalurgia e siderurgia. O Instituto Aço Cearense completou 13 anos e já investiu mais de R$ 28,5 milhões em ações sociais no Ceará, no Pará e no Tocantins, bene?ciando mais de 454 mil pessoas. Além disso, é Instituto é o novo apoiador das ONGs Gerando Falcões e Pensando Bem para a realização do Projeto Favela 3D (digital, digna e desenvolvida) em Fortaleza. Com essa parceria formalizada o objetivo é transformar a pobreza das favelas em peça de museu, antes de Marte ser colonizado. Mais do que apoiar ?nanceiramente, estão sendo estruturadas formas de atingir ainda mais pessoas por meio da transformação social e cultural. É sobre colaborar e construir juntos! Em Fortaleza, o Favela 3D irá começar pela Favela do Inferninho, localizada no bairro Quintino Cunha.