Instituto Aço Cearense promotes Forró dos Idosos | Group Aço Cearense

Instituto Aço Cearense promotes Forró dos Idosos

On October 1st, Elderly Day is celebrated and to commemorate the date, Instituto Aço Cearense (IAC) and Associação Escola de Campeões promoted the Forró dos Idosos on Friday (28), with lots of entertainment and social services.

The event took place in the Association’s court and the entertainment was provided by Grupo Musicar’t e Jacaré do Repente, who ensured good music for the party. During the event, free health and beauty services were also offered, such as haircuts, barbershops, massage therapy, eyebrow design, manicures and makeup.

Maria do Socorro Mendes, from the Ivete Alcântara Elderly Group of São Gonçalo do Amarante, commented: “I loved today’s action. I danced a lot forró, did my nails. I found everything very good, fun and I really enjoyed participating. It was great!” she said excitedly.

Approximately 200 elderly people participated in the event, including residents of the Mestre Antônio de Caucaia neighborhood and surroundings, caravans from São Gonçalo do Amarante and other municipalities in the state. “The joy and satisfaction of the elderly was contagious!” said Rosemeire Matos, President of Instituto Aço Cearense.