Instituto Aço Cearense launches campaign to help needy families | Group Aço Cearense

Instituto Aço Cearense launches campaign to help needy families

Friday April 23rd, 2021

Instituto Aço Cearense has been carrying out actions in several social areas for 11 years. In the past 2 years, actions have been intensified due to the pandemic, with the disposal of oxygen cylinders, donation of tons of food, masks, school kits, Covid-19 testicles, medicines, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene.

To further help these people who are being directly impacted at the moment, the Institute is launching a “Heart to Heart” campaign, which aims to raise funds to feed families in situations of social vulnerability. The amounts collected will be reverted to basic baskets for families served by the Instituto Aço Cearense. Donations can be made through transfers, bank slips or pix.

The president of the Aço Cearense Institute, Rosemeire Matos, points out that the union is now the most effective way for the greatest number of people to benefit. “The Heart to Heart Campaign intends to unite frames for a greater good. The idea is that any person or institution can donate. The more people who join, the more people will receive this support ”, he explains. With the collections, the entity intends to help families from poor communities in the three states where it operates: Ceará, Pará and Tocantins.

Donation forms:

• PIX: 11725750000147 (CNPJ key)
• Boleto:ão
• Transfer:
CNPJ: 11.725.750 / 0001-47
Bank of Brazil
Agency: 03434-7 Account: 106.283-2