Grupo Aço Cearense carries out actions to preserve the environment | Group Aço Cearense

Grupo Aço Cearense carries out actions to preserve the environment

Thursday June 6th, 2019

In 1972, the United Nations (UN) instituted World Environment Day (05/06) to draw attention to environmental problems and the importance of preserving natural resources. With a sustainable vision, Grupo Aço Cearense has a commitment to sustainable development, taking care of the environment as well.
The Group is the largest steel scrap recycler in the North-Northeast of Brazil and works from the perspective of the Circular Economy. At SINOBRAS, steel production is made with 70% scrap and 30% liquid pig iron. SINOBRAS Florestal, another company of the Group located in São Bento do Tocantins (TO), is a supplier of bioenergetic reducers, with 15 farms owning eucalyptus plantations, in an area of ​​25 thousand hectares.

Grupo Aço Cearense also has other projects and actions aimed at the preservation of the environment, such as:
Waste management – in its companies, the Group applies methodologies with the objective of better performance and monitoring of the destinations and reductions of waste and co-products generated, applying the concepts of reduction, reuse and recycling.

Reverse logistics is another environmental preservation practice carried out at the GAC, applied to batteries and tires, which after use receive the correct destination.
The concern with the use of water occurs from the beginning of the operation in its companies, through a robust system of capture, treatment, recirculation, water cooling towers and decantation tanks, that guarantee the recirculation of the water used in the industrial processes . In 2018, the mark of 98.35% of water recirculated in the processes was reached.

Also last year, the Recycle Project was implemented in ACI and ACC, with the objective of consolidating the selective collection in the Aço Cearense Group, which includes waste characterization activities, areas adequacy, training of employees, monitoring of results and audits in addition to donations of tree seedlings to employees.
“We need to reflect on how we operate on a daily basis, on how our habits can change the environment. Responsibility for conservation and protection of the environment is a commitment of all” – Junimara Chaves, Coordinator of Environmental Management of SINOBRAS.

“We can transform the world by preserving the environment. At Aço Cearense we do this every day, starting with the education of all the employees to practice this action so important for the world we live in. “- Carlos Yves, Sustainability Manager of Aço Cearense.

By the way

The Environmental Management area of ​​SINOBRAS received on 05/06 17 students of the courses of Environmental Engineering, Production Engineering and Biology of the University of the State of Pará (UEPA) of Marabá. The visit was one of the activities of UEPA’s Second Environment Week 2019, held from 3 to 6 June.