Grupo Aço Cearense at Trade In Launch | Group Aço Cearense

Grupo Aço Cearense at Trade In Launch

Trade In launch Wednesday December 11th, 2019

How to connect in the connected world. This was the theme of the Trade In Launch event held by the Trade In company on 28/11. Dell Latin America channel leader, doctor of neurology, and writer Felipe Montenegro gave the technology talk that was discussed by several managers. Ian Corrêa, Vice President of GAC Operations, was one of the guests of the debate with representatives of the companies Pay less, Banco do Nordeste, Latam, Court of Justice, Checkpoint Brasil and Ingra Micro Brasil.
According to Ian, this debate is important for managers and employees who work in the area. “We are experiencing a digital transformation and an event like this makes us rethink our obligations and concerns. We talk about connectivity all the time, so we have to do it responsibly in data protection. Thinking, for example, about our company that has 40 years in the market and several types of applications, we have a responsibility to innovate where we can be innovative, within the natural growth process of this area ”, says the VP.