Some habits are here to stay and Grupo Aço Cearense reinforces the use of digital platforms to communicate with employees also when it comes to well-being.
In order to contribute to physical and mental health in the five companies that are part of the Group in Ceará, Pará and Tocantins, some actions were initiated, such as meditation, workplace gymnastics and nutritional tips. All meetings are online, bringing together employees from headquarters and even different states in the same activity.
Among the initiatives are the projects “Momento Zen”, “Ginástica Laboral” and “Dicas da Nutri”. Momento Zen provides 20 minutes of relaxation at lunchtime with online meditation classes, which take place weekly. The link is available via email and messaging applications, and interested parties can participate in the activity through the Microsoft Teams platform.
“We are also betting on workplace gymnastics to contribute to improving the quality of life for our employees. They will have the possibility to participate live or choose the most appropriate moment, since the classes will be saved on our platform.
This movement had the participation of managers, who were able to contribute with suggestions ”, added Eliana Freitas, Coordinator of Quality of Life and Benefits.
The nutritional tips “Dicas da Nutri” are sent on the company’s media, with guidance from nutritionists at the Group’s units with general tips on healthy eating in times of pandemic.
This strategy was designed as a way to contribute to the health of employees, improving immunity and providing guidance on habits that should be adopted and intensified at the present time.
The Human Resources manager, Valquíria Ferreira, explains that the actions were designed to support the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. “We have always been attentive to the physical and psychological conditions of our employees and we always try to contribute more actively.
Their well-being in relation to emotional health and care with food also reverberates in the work environment, in their disposition and in professional relationships ”, explains the manager.