Future Metallurgical Technicians Visit ACI | Group Aço Cearense

Future Metallurgical Technicians Visit ACI

Aço Cearense Industrial Matriz received students from the Technical Metallurgy Course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará de Caucaia (IFCE) last Friday (25th) of May. The objective was to learn about the production process and the standardization standard for Aço Cearense products.

The delegation of 16 students from the 5th semester of IFCE Caucaia and Professor Heloisa Cordeiro was led by the Production Management and Processes Analysts, Raul Corrêa and Fellipe Macedo, who explained the entire production process of the company and Águeda Morais, Quality Analyst , who spoke about the Quality Management System. The students were also received by the areas of Occupational Safety, Communication and by the Production Manager, Eduardo Coelho.

Guilherme Henrique, a student at IFCE, highlighted how the visit was important for understanding metallurgy in practice. “It’s the first time I’ve come to know a company the size of Aço Cearense, I’ve identified a lot with the workplace and I hope to return as a collaborator in the future,” he said optimistically.
Aço Cearense Industrial receives students on a monthly basis. For more information, just contact extension 8421 or email comunicacao@acocearense.com.br.


Futuros Técnicos Metalúrgicos em uma visita a Aço Cearense Industrial