Food collected at SIPAT is donated to institutions supported by the Aço Cearense Institute | Group Aço Cearense

Food collected at SIPAT is donated to institutions supported by the Aço Cearense Institute

Doação de Alimentos Friday January 3rd, 2020

On December 26th and 27th, the food collected at SIPAT 2019 from Aço Cearense was donated to 15 charities served by Instituto Aço Cearense. In total, 5 tons of food were delivered, 473 kg of whole powdered milk.
The institutions benefited were: Associação Escola de Campeões, Centro de Recuperação Mão Amiga – CREMA, Lar de Clara, Research Center and Ecological Experience – CEPEVIVE, Amadeu Barros Leal Creche, Evangelical Connection Community, Lar Francisco de Assis, São Vicente de Paulo Association , Patronato Santana, Project in the Desert, Maria Adelaide Family Support Center – ABESF, Community Assistance and Philanthropic Association Recovering Lives, Boqueirão Community, Batista Home and Lucas Dantas Community Association – ACOLD.