On December 28, approximately 3 tons of food were collected during the SIPAT – Internal Week of Prevention of Accidents at Work, held in December in Aço Cearense, were donated to five institutions in Maracanaú, Caucaia and Fortaleza.
In order to stimulate solidarity and love of neighbor, in the competition held during SIPAT 2016 there was proof of the collection of non-perishable food to be donated. The team that collected the most food was the MEP – Matriz and Filial, which won 30 points in the general score of the gymkhana.
The institutions benefited were: Centro de Recuperação Mão Amiga – CREMA (Maracanaú), Centro de Pesquisa e Vivência Ecológica – CEPEVIVE (Caucaia), Creche Amadeu Barros Leal (Fortaleza), Ministério Águias de Cristo – Instituto Logos (Fortaleza), and the Projeto Restaurar (Caucaia).