The Covid-19 pandemic has made people more receptive to the use of technologies and investing in digital tools (...) CONTINUE READING
Based on the new paths taken with the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic, business and training models (...) CONTINUE READING
This Thursday (9th), Aline Ferreira, our Commercial and Financial Vice President, participated in Lide Talks, a weekly online (...) CONTINUE READING
The Aço Cearense Group promoted a Live Beneficent on Saturday (9) to honor and help mothers who are (...) CONTINUE READING
In addition to the food donated this month, the Aço Cearense Institute delivered cleaning kits containing shampoo, bleach, (...) CONTINUE READING
This Tuesday (5th), on the Solidariedade S / A board, of TV Verdes Mares, affiliated with Rede Globo, (...) CONTINUE READING
As concerts and events are canceled due to social isolation, many artists are doing shows online and taking (...) CONTINUE READING
Good stories need to be shared, mainly as a source of inspiration for training professionals and new entrepreneurs. (...) CONTINUE READING
A decade of existence transforming people’s reality, so the Instituto Aço Cearense (IAC) completed another cycle this Monday (...) CONTINUE READING
The Aço Cearense Group prepared an educational campaign that alerted employees about healthy ways to enjoy Carnival. The (...) CONTINUE READING