Investing in tools and systems that bring intelligent and agile solutions is a great differential sought by Grupo Aço Cearense. Thus, in order to share successful experiences on innovation and technology, employees of our IT team participated in SAP’s Café e Inovação webinar, last Friday (28).
On the occasion, Manuel Robalinho, IT Specialist, and Alexandre Faraco, SAP Coordinator, spoke about the SAP AnalyticsCloud (SAC) project that they used to optimize the budget planning process and which won the SAP InnovationAwards 2020 global innovation award.
According to Alexandre Faraco, presenting the case on the webinar was a great opportunity to share what has been done.
“After winning the award, the Aço Cearense Group became a world reference in SAC technology, consolidating a successful partnership with SAP. With the improvement of our processes, using the best business practices and with the maturing of our internal team, we carry out budget planning in a dynamic and flexible way, in a Cloud environment. With that, we had significant gains in our budget management ”, he explains.
The market is aware of this new management model and moments like this, of sharing experiences, strengthen the networking network.
“It is gratifying for the Aço Cearense Group to recognize a model company in budget management, we have in our DNA innovation with a focus on continuous improvement and we intend to move even further in this direction”, highlights Alexandre Faraco.