With the current economic crisis, NGOs are reducing attendances and benefits to people who depend solely on these institutions. As a way to contribute to fundraising and maintain the activities carried out for the communities, the Aço Cearense Institute promoted a Workshop for the Elaboration of Social Projects for NGOs, in the auditorium of Aço Cearense Comercial.
The initiative was supported by Dialogus Consultoria and aims to train the NGOs served by Aço Cearense Institute to build social projects in an orderly and more professional manner. Although social entities are not for profit and economic purposes, building and maintaining a structure that provides quality social services requires a lot of professionalism and investment. “The workshop was a preparation to seek financial resources and thus maintain and carry out projects. Rather than collaborate with financial support, we want these institutions to develop themselves. It is not enough just to want to do, you have to know how to grow”, said Rosemeire Matos, President of the Aço Cearense Institute.
These entities serve a resource-poor public free of charge, and the most used way to get the necessary resources is to carry out social projects to get financial support and donations. “Well-designed projects are better able to achieve a better result and ensure the achievement of the institutions’ objectives”, said workshop instructor Manoela Silva of the Diálogos Consultoria, which has already attended companies such as the Hapvida Association, Cagece, Incor Criança, Mercadinhos São Luís, besides the Aço Cearense Institute and others.
Participated in the training institutions that currently receive monthly financial support from Instituto Aço Cearense are: the Escola de Campeões, Creche Amadeu Barros Leal, J.A. Ceará, ABENJ, Cepevive, São Vicente de Paulo Association, Las de Clara and Pequeno Cotolengo, totaling 18 representatives. “I found the initiative excellent and I think it should happen more often. Including a public announcement of the State and this course will already help in the preparation of the project”, said Enoe Araripe Autran, vice president of Creche Amadeu Barros Leal. The delivery of the certificates to course participants will take place at the end of June after the completion of each project prepared and delivered to the IAC.