SINOBRAS Florestal adquire nova fazenda para plantação de eucalipto

SINOBRAS Florestal acquires new farm for planting eucalyptus

Tuesday March 23rd, 2021

Always aligned with a responsible sustainability model, valuing the correct use of natural resources, in order to reduce impacts on the environment, SINOBRAS Florestal, a company in the Aço Cearense Group, acquired another farm for the renewable planting of eucalyptus, to increase its production of bioenergetic reducer (charcoal), which supplies Siderúrgica Norte Brasil SA – SINOBRAS.

The new farm has 10,323 hectares, is located in the municipality of Ananás (TO), and is now part of the forest assets of SINOBRAS Florestal, which already had 15 farms in the municipalities of Araguatins and São Bento do Tocantins (TO). With the acquisition, the Aço Cearense Group accounts for 16 eucalyptus plantation farms, reaching a total of 35,531 hectares of its own.

According to Juliane Ellem Costa, Manager of SINOBRAS Florestal, a new farm has a very positive impact, both in industrial production and in environmental preservation. “This acquisition reinforces our sustainability and represents an increase in the wood production capacity for the manufacture of bioenergetic reducers. It also means increasing the preservation area, contributing to the maintenance of the region’s flora and fauna ”, he explains.

SINOBRAS Florestal has 46 rectangular ovens, which mitigate environmental impacts and produce the bioenergetic reducer that is used by SINOBRAS, a steel company located in Marabá, Pará. It generates about 200 direct jobs and, on the occasion of planting, other employees are added to the seasonal operations.